About LabCcurate
Biosafety Cabinet
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning of surfaces
Checking of airflow (air velocity)
Checking of particle size counter
UV light test
Noise test
Checking of alarm system
Change of filter (decontamination and change of filter)
Laminar Flow
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning of surfaces
Checking of airflow (air velocity)
Checking of particle size counter
UV light test
Noise test
Checking of alarm system
Cleaning of pre-filter, if applicable
Change of filter for repair
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance:
Speed and temperature (for refrigerated)
Imbalance check, if applicable
Check for rotor damage
Cleaning of surfaces
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning of surfaces
Checking of controller
Silicone seal checking
Calibration of sensor, if applicable
Checking of control panel
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning of surfaces
Checking of controller
Silicone seal checking
Calibration of sensor, if applicable
Checking of control panel
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Checking of airflow (air velocity)
Smoke Pattern Test
Noise Test
Light Test
Checking of Blower Motor
Checking of Outlets (if applicable)
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Checking of piston seal (if applicable)
Calibration by gravimetric method
Analytical Balance
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance:
Three-point calibration
Digital Balance
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance:
Three-point calibration
pH meter
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance
Three-point calibration
Peristaltic Pump
Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning of surfaces
Checking of tubings
Checking of flow rate by comparison
Hot Plate and Magnetic Stirrer:
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance:
Temperature and RPM
Turbidity Meter
Calibration and Preventive Maintenance